workshop with Leonard Orr and Heike Strombach
Every time new: the 9-day breathwork training with Leonard Orr
Conscious breathing and spiritual purification with earth, air, water, fire, the power of thought and love, allows us to correct the breathing mechanism that has been restricted through accumulated tensions and fears. Leonard Orr, creator of conscious energy breathing, will teach with wisdom and love, techniques to recover our life energy, and to maintain lasting health and happiness. We will fast one day in silence with a fire.
Seminars and Sharing:
personal law, creative thinking, laws of prosperity, health and physical immortality, personal and professional success and more.
A personal connection to Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Energy and Infinite manifestation grants success and happiness.
Saturday 8 apr to Sunday 16 apr, time aprox. 9:30 – 22:00 u
– 9-day training 1.008 € + accomodation & food –
– or per day 150 € + accomodation & food –
more info:
location: Wipperfürth (near Köln)
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